
Bus Ministry

Bus Ministry

The Bus Ministry of Mars Hill Baptist Bible Church is a great way to get a ride to Sunday School, morning church, or Wednesday night service. We are dedicated to reaching the Mars Hill area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Bus Ministry has always been a crucial part of this mission. The bus rides to church are FREE and are available for children and adults! If you need a ride, please call our church office at 317-244-4480.

Junior Church

Junior Church

The Junior Church program is taught by Mrs. Tina Middleton along with some helpers to oversee and assist with the kids. This program takes place during the morning church service time and is for kids from 3 to 11 years old. The kids are taught Bible lessons geared towards them, sing songs, and have a tremendous amount of fun while learning truths from God's Word.



Parents can leave their young children with an assurance that they will be cared for in a clean, safe, loving environment. Nursery care is provided for newborns - 2-year-olds during all church services so parents can enjoy the church service knowing that their child is cared for. If you have any questions regarding the nursery, or if your child has allergies or special instructions, be sure to speak with the nursery staff when you drop them off before services.

Visitation and Soul Winning

Visitation and Soul Winning

The heartbeat of Mars Hill Baptist Bible Church is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and see lost souls saved for the glory of God. Every Saturday at 11:30 AM, we go door-knocking, handing out tracts, witnessing, and visiting. It is our desire to be laborers of the harvest in Indianapolis.

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

Our youth ministries is for 12-year-olds - 12th graders. There are teen activities that take place on the last Saturdays of every month. In addition, there are several youth rallies throughout the year that the teens can participate in, and a Youth Conference in Hammond every July. The goal of the youth ministry is to provide a fun environment where Jesus is the central focus of everything.